annual accident...
aih... few weeks back another accident happened... this time along coastal highway in penang, the traffic light in front of Seagate building...
what happened was history... mostly due to bad tyres and bad road condition... road oscillation causes the wheels to lock up and skidded....

inside engine bay...

lucky the impact wasnt that great... only killed my radiator, aircond condensor, bumper, headlamp, front grill and bonnet.... engine escaped with some scratch... haha...

wanna see what car i hit??...

damn saga are hard n tough....
what happened was history... mostly due to bad tyres and bad road condition... road oscillation causes the wheels to lock up and skidded....

inside engine bay...

lucky the impact wasnt that great... only killed my radiator, aircond condensor, bumper, headlamp, front grill and bonnet.... engine escaped with some scratch... haha...

wanna see what car i hit??...

damn saga are hard n tough....
excuse me!
The main cause of the accident was YOUR DRIVING SKILL!
I've been here for >2 years and touch wood nothing ever happened (except that donkey fella that hit my back.. and made him paid RM200 just for SCRATCHES! LOL padan muka! =P)
oh my god.....
do u mind to let me know wat's the average of accident happened in a year during last 3 years?
oh my god. what are you driving now?
wat annual accident..choi
pls dont take accident to be granted.
Safety come first bro.
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