UR rear upper bar...
finally fitted it during my spare time at SKH... lolz... installation done within 10mins...

vr easy installation... jz remove the left and right bolt holding ur rear seat belt and fit the bar in...

now with fender bars, rear strut bar and rear upper bar, back end is much stiffer now... with better grip front tyres and high pressure for rear tyres i'm sure can induce some oversteer... hehe...
anyways, i think gonna fit back my front strut bar soon... afterall, i'm looking for an overall good handling car... now during hard cornering, front chassis feels abit flexing... C21 chassis.... aih... dissapointing...

vr easy installation... jz remove the left and right bolt holding ur rear seat belt and fit the bar in...

now with fender bars, rear strut bar and rear upper bar, back end is much stiffer now... with better grip front tyres and high pressure for rear tyres i'm sure can induce some oversteer... hehe...
anyways, i think gonna fit back my front strut bar soon... afterall, i'm looking for an overall good handling car... now during hard cornering, front chassis feels abit flexing... C21 chassis.... aih... dissapointing...
fuyoh.... makin hebat your iswalah. can take corner at 180km/h liow :p
1 degree corner can la... lolz...
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