adjustable fuel pressure regulator...
previously i had overheating problems if maintain at speed 140kmh above... after several discussion with local mechanics, they suspect my ignition timing is a bit too high... i lowered the timing till 10 degrees advance (previously was 25 degree advance)... overheating still occurs... after several consideration, overheating was not mainly due to ignition timing as i suffer no detonation or pinging even at 25 degree advance... AFR was quite stoich refering from my previous dyno run... so, i guess its my tiny radiator problem... a few lines possibly stuck inside due to accumulated rust...
since i had previously bought my fuel pressure regulator, why not try bump up the fuel pressure a bit... richen the AF ratio a little... this allows a bit better cooling as fuel has cooling effect...

currently boosting 2.5 bar...

overheating solved... maintain 150kmh also no overheating... AF is a bit rich... hence, low end torque lost a little...
since i had previously bought my fuel pressure regulator, why not try bump up the fuel pressure a bit... richen the AF ratio a little... this allows a bit better cooling as fuel has cooling effect...

currently boosting 2.5 bar...

overheating solved... maintain 150kmh also no overheating... AF is a bit rich... hence, low end torque lost a little...