highcam installation...
last wednesday, 19 sept, i finally able to spare myself some time to install my highcams... at about 930am, i set of heading towards merlimau, which is about 20mins from bukit beruang.... the workshop is recommended by my friend, who apparently also did his tuning there...
okla, cut short the stories... my car was jacked up and held on jack stands... the workshop senior mechanic attended to my car... the boss watched... first he removed the rocker arm cover, plug cables and sparkplugs...

then he proceeded to remove my rocker arms and distributor...

through inspection found out that my distributor O-ring is leaking engine oil... the mechanic asked me to change that as well... since he has a spanar on his other hand, i had to give in...

changing the O-ring was jz a split second... then, he continue dismantling my car... my long serving original camshaft was being pulled out...

everything was jz plug n play back into place... new camshaft being swapped back in... rocker arms bolted back on... then he removed my wheel and begin calculating the specs of the camshaft by looking at the gauge mounted on the crank and a probe touching the cam lobe...
the rest of the story was jz tuning tuning and more tuning... if u notice, no more pics after this... coz i was getting vr sleepy by then... lack of sleep mah...
at first before adjusting the valve clearance and campulley, powerband came in at about 5k rpm... then, he retarded the campulley 4 degrees and readjust the valve clearance... plug everything back in and tested the car, powerband was still at about 4k rpm.... not satisfied with the result, the car was again brought into the workshop... after somemore adjustment to the campulley and valve clearance, the final result is powerband kicks in at about 3.5k rpm and ends at about 6.5k rpm... street wise, the powerband is at a reasonable rpm range....
by then, it was about 4pm already... paid up (installation + tuning + custom FICD = Rm200) and i headed home, tested the car on the new highway (melaka-muar), my car top 170kmh at short stretch... 140kmh was at ease... before heading home, sent my car to carwash...
jeng jeng jeng...

clean leh.... cost me Rm30 for it, including car wash n vacuum...
okla, cut short the stories... my car was jacked up and held on jack stands... the workshop senior mechanic attended to my car... the boss watched... first he removed the rocker arm cover, plug cables and sparkplugs...

then he proceeded to remove my rocker arms and distributor...

through inspection found out that my distributor O-ring is leaking engine oil... the mechanic asked me to change that as well... since he has a spanar on his other hand, i had to give in...

changing the O-ring was jz a split second... then, he continue dismantling my car... my long serving original camshaft was being pulled out...

everything was jz plug n play back into place... new camshaft being swapped back in... rocker arms bolted back on... then he removed my wheel and begin calculating the specs of the camshaft by looking at the gauge mounted on the crank and a probe touching the cam lobe...
the rest of the story was jz tuning tuning and more tuning... if u notice, no more pics after this... coz i was getting vr sleepy by then... lack of sleep mah...
at first before adjusting the valve clearance and campulley, powerband came in at about 5k rpm... then, he retarded the campulley 4 degrees and readjust the valve clearance... plug everything back in and tested the car, powerband was still at about 4k rpm.... not satisfied with the result, the car was again brought into the workshop... after somemore adjustment to the campulley and valve clearance, the final result is powerband kicks in at about 3.5k rpm and ends at about 6.5k rpm... street wise, the powerband is at a reasonable rpm range....
by then, it was about 4pm already... paid up (installation + tuning + custom FICD = Rm200) and i headed home, tested the car on the new highway (melaka-muar), my car top 170kmh at short stretch... 140kmh was at ease... before heading home, sent my car to carwash...
jeng jeng jeng...

clean leh.... cost me Rm30 for it, including car wash n vacuum...
great review. em bt u didnt mention about the fc. how was it? worth every drop of gasoline?
anyway keep us update for new stuff oki :D
can tell me the place u service ur car or got any other recommended place around melaka ar ?
hehe , probably after exam , gonna service it gua ..
today at mmu corner saw a people very like u wo .. but relli not sure if tat person is u or not ..
around 7.30pm , wed, with two other girls..
pai seh , if the person it's reli u .. haha .. been watching a min ,
software70, fc was abit better than before, if i didnt floor the pedal much lah... i floor often sure die... hahaha...
zenithtan, what u wanna service??... i usually service my car at malim... price is quite reasonable lar....
mmu corner with 2 gals??... nola... this few days alwiz hangout with guys... sien... i'm not that lucky... hahaha....
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