Thursday, March 15, 2012

solid engine mounts

engine mounts are the thing that holds your engine and gearbox in place... most cars have 3 to 4 engine mounts... and most if not all original factory engine mounts are made of hollow rubber which allows certain degree of flex in order to absorb any vibration generated by the engine... this is crucial because any slight vibration from the engine will be transferred to the chassis and u will experience tremor inside the car...

so, why solid engine mounts??... many did not know that whenever we step on the pedal, the engine rocks about on its platform.. this is due to the torque exerted from the engine to the wheels to get the car moving.. this rocking movement will somehow reduces the engine respond and eagerness to go.. rocking left/right or front/back will also damage the hollow engine mounts in long term...

solid engine mounts can be made of many material... race cars will go for solid nylon or teflon while most enthusiast will opt for slightly less solid polyurethane mounts... another step less hardcore ones will be solid rubber engine mounts... these engine mounts have similar material with original mount, minus the hollow part which minimizes free play...

tadaa... here are my new engine mounts... i only changed the front and back engine mount which locates at the cross member... both of this mounts will receive most of the rocking sensation from the engine as all horizontally mounted engine (most FF vehicle) will rock front and back vigorously...

installation was rather easy as well... instead of change one at a time, it is best to loosen both bolts holding the engine to the mounts and drop the whole cross member... this is because changing one mounts at a time will have difficulty aligning the engine to the mounts to slot on the bolt... tight space will also be another factor as your long spanner and sprockets will not have enough room to maneuver...

comparison between solid mounts and original mounts...

and check out my torn engine mounts...

difference after installing them... dashboard vibrates even more vigorous at slight drop in the revs... have to keep them at 1000rpm and above... i think i made my car worse... haha...


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Where i can get this mounting?

  2. Anonymous12:15 AM

    bro, do u know why iswara produce a rattling engine noise esp when AC is on or going up hill usually happens when on third to fourth gear?
